Teaching Series
Romans 12

Series: Legacy
Message: Legacy or inheritance which one would you choose?
Preacher: Zan Long
Daily Walk: Zan Long

Refresh: Open with prayer. Read or listen to Psalm 88:10-18.

Read: Romans 12 (NIV). As you read the New International Version, note 1–3 insights.

Reflect: I have always loved the story of Joseph. Lately I’ve labelled it two pits, a palace, and a family reunion. Joseph, the favorite son, was thrown into a pit by his brothers and then sold into slavery. Declared dead by his brother,s his father had no idea Joseph was alive and on his way to Egypt. God was with Joseph while he was a slave and while he was being tempted and then accused by Potiphar's wife.
God was with Joseph when he was in jail and when he eventually ended up in the palace. God was with Joseph when his brothers turned up from Canaan. How do we know? We know because of how Joseph behaved. The people doing life with us get to see us through our pits and palaces. 
I love to remind myself that this palace or pit of my life is ruled by Jesus who sits on the throne. As a child of His kingdom, it is my purpose to live confidently in His love for me. Is what I’m doing showing that, or do I change depending on my circumstance? Do I like to pretend that I sit on that throne and rule my own life? It certainly shows when I do.
I can only imagine how Jacob felt traveling to Egypt celebrating the whole way that His Son was alive. What a family reunion that must’ve been! Joseph was ready and waiting and had done a good thing or two. Know that just like Joseph when we cannot interpret the way ahead, God can.

Recalibrate: ​ 

  1. ​​What are your “pits” this week?
  2. What do you have to celebrate this week?

Respond: Pray for people in your life who comfort you in your “pits” and celebrate with you during the “palace” times of life. 

Research: Read the story of Joseph in the book of Genesis.

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